Saturday, December 11, 2010

On the subject of whether or not a recent video of mine was racist, I'm going to keep this as brief as I can. I wasn't even planning on responding and I'm certainly not going to name anyone who leveled these accusations at me. My gut tells me that due to the size of this channel, people have a tendency to call me out in some sort of attempt to incite a response from me and thereby gain a little publicity.

It's a bummer that it's really taken me this long to figure that out, but that's just how it happened. Believe it or not, I am still "new" to the internet and I've got a long, long way to go before I can say that I'm totally comfortable being the subject of so much scrutiny from time to time.

This issue is impossible not to address due to the sheer magnitude of what it implies. To say that I am a racist is a big, big accusation and those who make such accusations should know better than to do so lightly. Such an accusation can have a serious and tangible effect on someone, so a lot of thought should go into it before stating so.

It's my belief that this wasn't the case for me and I'll explain right now.

There were three exchanges in that video that stood out to me as being inherently prejudice, one of them display outright racism. At one point, one of the men exclaims that he will blow the other's house up "Arab style." The implication here is that the word Arab carries with it a connotation of death and destruction and it also illustrates just how casually Americans tend to demean this particular segment of our community. It's pretty atrocious just how poorly anyone who even looked remotely Arab were treated in the aftermath of 911, and it's redundant to even talk about it.

The second thing I noticed in the video is the use of the word "pussy" as an insult. Here, the implication is that pussy is referring to a vagina, a vagina is a female trait, females are weak, and therefore this individual was weak. It's often overlooked, but using this word maliciously is overtly sexist.

The third thing that stood out to me was the phrase "I ain't down for that faggot shit!" I don't even have to explain how demeaning the word "fag" is to those that identify as gay to any degree. Again, when used maliciously it's a pretty terrible word.

What strikes me as odd after making these observations is that nearly no one commented on them. Nope. To them, the issue was that I was portraying a particular race in a bad light and therefore I was a racist. First of all, my simple response to that is that stupidity doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, and that no one gets immunity from it being pointed out to them. I don't care if you're from El Salvador, Africa, Thailand, Malaysia, or Texas. Stupid is stupid.

The second thing I want to say is that it is impossible for me as a rational, logical, thinking human being who (contrary to what many think as a result of humorous skits I participate in) knows how to think to take these accusations seriously when the only true demonstrations of prejudice weren't even pointed out. In fact, one person that I know was extremely upset with me has the phrase "3d intros are gay, son" in his intro.

What's particularly funny to me is that many, if not all of the people who made a video accusing me of racism quickly changed tunes once I showed up and demonstrated a very basic level of logic. Now they were saying that I was harboring racism by allowing comments. Okay, I'm not racist but I encourage racism by allowing comments?

My response to this is simple as well. I do not control what people say on my channel and I do not disable comments...ever. I just don't. When I posted a video of my family and received threats of raping my 8 year old niece, I didn't disable comments. When I posted videos with a girlfriend and people would insult her, I didn't disable comments. Know why? Because YouTube and stupidity are intertwined and there's no getting around it. If I were to spend my time policing my comments, I wouldn't have time for anything else in my life, including sleep. I could post a video about toasters and someone would find a way to drop the N bomb in the comments. Like my title says, stupid people are stupid.

Furthermore, on these particular men's channels, I see no policing of comments when I'm being called a "racist faggot." That phrase in itself is so blatantly contradictory that I'm not going to insult you by explaining why. With such levels of hypocrisy being demonstrated here, it's impossible to dignify any of their accusations with any degree of serious thought. I can only consider them to be insincere with the smallest amount of investigation, and I refuse to buy into their feeble attempts at a guilt trip.

You guys will not get famous off of me, I'm just going to walk away from this knowing in my heart I have nothing but love and respect for anyone who's experienced humiliation and disrespect throughout their lives. Racism and all forms of hate and prejudice are a poison, a social disease that I am totally powerless to stop.

In the end, those 2 idiots provided me with one of the most entertaining arguments I've ever heard on XBL and it was my joy to share that entertainment with hundreds of thousands of people. Okay, bye.


  1. I find that people that resort to calling things "gay" or use the word "fag" unceremoniously usually lack a strong vernacular.

    So many better words one can use with the same effect.

  2. You raise a couple of interesting points. Hutch if you have a sec check out a post I did on violence in video games. It was quite a while ago now but it is still relevant.

  3. This is just another example of people taking advantage of anonymity in order to piss someone else off on the internet for no reason. Seriously, just completely ignore them. They see that you actually pay attention and take their words seriously, they do it more because they know they'll get more attention.

  4. As a fellow 20-something video game director, and who also happens to be gay, I'm quite glad you pointed out the inherent hypocrisy in anyone responding to racism by calling you a fag. Logical fallacies of that magnitude absolutely nullify the argument of anyone using such terminology.

  5. I think you over-analysed this conversation. What they were conversing about was indeed an ignorant, and shall I say "stereotypical", argument, but you didn't need to seek every misnomer they used.

    You don't harbor racism by allowing comments, and everyone in the world wants to be "that guy" who sees the wrong in every video, post, etc, and thats what happened to your comments section. Fact is, I'm willing to bet 90% of those people use the same misnomers in everyday slang.

    tl;dr what you're saying is correct, but everyone who criticized you for the video was just trying to be the moral kid.

  6. You're going about this the right way... on a side note your totally racist against Texas. Well good luck Hutch and don't let this stop you from uploading more like this.

  7. That was a great post. In the end, people who call other people "fags" are 1: stupid because they can't find a better word to insult someone with and 2: because they don't even think about what the word actually means before they say it. And you were not being racist by posting that video. You were pointing out two stupid "grown infants :P."

  8. Not sure if you'll check these comments, because I fear eventually it will go the way of the Youtube. But we shall see.

    Anyway, I enjoyed your well thought out and well put thoughts; and I must say I agree with them. I also feel like those who did harbor judgment against you are mostly not well aware of their own language they use. Most of the time because of their age; other times because of plain ignorance.

    Regardless, it is the internet and it is Youtube. Any hint of something "taboo" and it will be jumped upon and completely taken to a whole other unnecessary level. Learning to filter out the bs is a necessary step. Glad to see you're taking it.

    Keep up the good work Hutch, I look forward to lurking in your blog in the future.

  9. @Danger87 Yes, I read comments often. Thanks for the feedback.

  10. Hey hutch, you don't have to use proper punctuation, this isn't a work report, we all know you don't use perfect grammar/punctuation in your tweets. this kinda made me feel like i was reading a report rather than a blog from the man with and 11 inch penis<3
    homo forever.

  11. I posted on your video which you quickly replied, in which I defended. Here is what I posted.

    "Is that the cool thing to do now? Attack Hutch and Seananners? I mean really, all you see anymore is commentators giving them crap for videos they posted. Did Hutch come here and say anything racist? No. Did he imply anything racist? No. If you people, the viewers, post racist comments, that is on you. You're the ignorant one. These two people, be they white, black, yellow, purple, are the stupid ones. Race aside, these were two of the most idiotic people I ever heard arguing. That's the point."

    Now my thoughts on what I have said have not changed one bit. But now I can provide more to that.

    I won't mention the names who responded either, because I refuse to dignify people like that. But they are internet "tough guys" who think they are right because they provided a one sided logic behind their argument.

    Nothing they said had any validation of a point. They automatically say, Hutch is a racist. Then they say he is a racist because he allowed comments. What the fuck are you talking about? It's his channel, and all he said was, these people were stupid. He didn't say like an ignorant racist, "These two black dudes are soooooo stupid! Black people = LOLZ!" No, he never was ignorant to begin with. And yeah, sadly that example is something I have seen before. It's pathetic.

    The truth of the matter is, these people who are calling Hutch a racist, they have done this crap before. They do it every other week to someone new, then act like they don't care if they lose subs to this or care about their numbers, they want things settled and right.

    If that were the case, if they were trying to improve stuff, then why bother what they are doing? First they try to kiss their ass, then they bash them for something, then post response videos to their videos, and yeah. It's just a glorified and quite sad attempt to gain subscribers, while acting otherwise.

    Now all of what I said is leading to a point. These people do this because they know they cannot thrive on their personality. It's entertaining for what, a month, then it gets old. So what do you do? You make bigger commentators look ignorant and weak, then exploit it.

    If anything has come from this whole ridiculous crusade, it's that Hutch has proven time and time again, he is not racist. Seananners is a pleasant guy. Smooth is a nice dude. If anything, these people exploiting this nonsense are the most ignorant pieces of trash in existence. While they are not being racist themselves, their actions are on that of the level of racists, which is ignorance and determination to bring down others.

    So Hutch, screw what they say, you make great videos, you always have. If I were being a "fan boy" you wouldn't have the numbers to back it up. These guys, they are going to come and go, and obviously don't care about the games. If they did, they would focus on better content, not petty drama over stuff that does not exist, such as the issue of you being a racist.

    Believe it or not, not everyone is an ignorant, blind follower. Some of us actually see the hilarity of the video without going, "Racist!!!" So yeah, I say move on and keep up with the good progress. You've come a long way and your subs love everything you provide. Focus on them, let these sad men just fade away.

  12. I believe the simplistic answer to this is that it has no basis of true racism, sexism, or bigotry. There is a large difference between someone saying an off the cuff comment about "this is gay", "that nig keeps camping me", "your a bunch of pussys", or any other statement. For anyone to spend their time policing all of these types of comments would be a large waste of time. To then claim that by any of these statements you are racist, sexist, to stretch the truth.
    Hutch, the gods honest truth is that these people only know a small amount about you from videos and Internet comments. To make a judgement from that would not be a just act. So take it as that, your are who you are and your friends and family will be the judges. It would be like someone on the side walk calling you a racist because of the way you dress. It has no bearing on you what so ever.

  13. Please explain to me how that video was racist in any way...

  14. Although I agree with what you have said Hutch, there is always going to be an exception to the rule. I personally believe that certain words such as 'wog' and 'nigger' have been turned around from being hateful and mean to being something that the sub-culture (and sometimes even with people who are friends of that subculture and don't mind) can use to call each other. This is also true for things like 'faggot' and 'fag' I believe, being gay myself I don't mind my friends using the word 'faggot'. And if this is wrong then you can call Mr Sark a homophobe because in a video about snipers being nerfed in Black Ops he called Hollywood a 'faggot' for using the ACR. Personally I think that thisis alright because he didn't mean it in a hurtful way.

  15. It's pretty obvious to me that Hutch's video said "These two people are being stupid". All the people calling Hutch racist heard the men talk and thought "EBONICS! CLEARLY THESE TWO GOOD FELLOWS ARE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN DESCENT!" Then, after this stereotyping assessment, they exclaimed "Good God Gregory! Hutch is calling these two men who I believe to be of African American descent to be stupid! GREAT SCOT I MUST MAKE HIM AWARE OF HIS BIGOTRY!" When in reality, the posters assuming the two men to be black is the most racist thing happening(outside of what the two men in the video actually said).

  16. @Sam_The_Koala, I agree. Which is why I added the "in a malicious way" to it. I don't think either of those guys in the video were truly acting prejudice, I was making a point. Good feedback, nonetheless.

  17. @TBH Games, I had a friend who happened to be gay a few years ago. Had an incident where I casually called something "gay" and immediately felt uncomfortable. He calmly assured me that it was okay, but that for future reference it wasn't okay to use that word like that around him.

    Since then, and it took me a little while, I've since basically eradicated anything homophobic from my vocabulary. However, I won't hesitate to call something retarded. That's probably questionable as well.

    Something as repetitive as speech patterns are very, very difficult to unlearn. Chances are all it takes to really make a mark is to hang out with someone who's directly affected by your speech. Until then, I've learned to be okay with anything that comes out of anyone's mouth casually.

    As cynical as it sounds, it's really just a part of life...for now, at least.

  18. you know hutch, i think this really got to you, maybe due to the fact that you are afraid of being racist, and actively fight your brain against thinking racist thoughts.......its fine, im not saying theres anything wrong with this, its actually great, its just that 80% of white people are racist, conuciously or not......
    i think its great that you are starting to blog now, its a cool outlet, one were i think youll find less trolls, only people who care about what you have to say, or want to be you.
    i do however, think that you might want to think your argument over, as you might fall to using shouldnt say that oure surprised that people thought ur video was racist, even though they didnt notice that the conversation had insulting terms in it.........
    while it is hypocritical, it wasnt despective in the same its not fair to compare them.......
    i do however agree with you on the fact that people want to argue with you in order to get more publicity...

  19. I'm not gonna bother to copy paste what you actually said, but in your post, you say something along the lines of "women are weak." And while I don't care about that I'm sure if women read this they will.

    Hutch you being the small twig you are I'm sure there's a fair number of women stronger than you. :P


  20. @Hutchisy0dadday

    Oh, I definitely live with it. I'd be a bigger ass than the person using the word if I were to call everyone out on it. I mean hell, my housemates (who are also on TBH Games) don't shy away from using fag and gay. And I've made my stance clear, but there isn't enough time to police everything.

    Which brings us back to your video: the idea that people got up in arms because the people in the video used words that were racist/homophobic/whatever, and then accused you of being racist, are just bad at the idea of policing thought about 4 times over. As another commenter said, there's this notion that someone has to be the white knight riding in to call out all instances of bigotry. But if we blow the whistle at things that are completely contextual, everything falls apart. The basic fact is: yes, the two dudes arguing in the video used language that clearly portrayed them to be pretty ghetto. But to accuse you of being racist over that completely loses the context of the upload.

    And with that, it's now 3AM out here, so I'm off. Good chat.


  21. I love you Hutch!
    Don't let these asshats get the best of you, seeing as all they're trying to do is get a rise out of you. These people are not worth your time.
    But, you have a right to defend yourself.
    I think people are overzealous in calling people racist when themselves haven't ever been prejudiced against. Being an asian-Jewish female, I have, and yet I never call people on it unless they are actually trying to malicious... and of course, there is actual racism or prejudice involved. People are way too quick in calling people a bad guy nowadays, it's pathetic, and I'm sorry you had to be a part of it.

  22. Its funny to see how things blow up like this. Over a year ago i stumbled upon your channel Hutch, and thus began my journey into this YT commentary subscribing and what not. Later Came Seananners and other commentators. I look up to you guys so much, and decided that i wanted to help others out the way you guys had helped me out. So i jumped into this foray of Commentating. This began my amusement with how YT and probably most of society runs. People for some reason or another live their lives in a very pessimistic way. Never really looking for the good in life but for what they can criticize. Case in point, there was a well known Commentator who recently revealed that his Son suffered from multiple learning disabilities. I found this as a very honorable gesture on his part, to share something that is so personal to him. Yet through the graces of the YT god, you get one for lack of a better word asshole who needs to let said commentator know that "if that was my son i would kill him". I mean what the fuck, has our society really go to shits this bad that people really need to say that? This brings me to what ive learned, throughout this last year. People are wired to want to be the best at anything, and when they fail. People try their hardest to make sure other peoples goals or happiness is affected also. Its the typical Debbie Downer syndrome, im not happy so im going to try and make your day shitty. One thing that the YT troll really doesnt understand, is that their words really have no effect on our everyday lives. So Someone calls me a "faggot" on the internet, in the trolls mind they have just "pwned" me. To me its not even a lingering thought, brush it off and move on. Yet the troll relishes in the fact that he told someone that they are a "faggot". People are sad when they have to find ways to "Pwned" people on the internet, and i believe it lingers into something much more. Something more mental and within the subconscious of a troll. Its sad to see society in such a state that a good amount of people find it a necessity to have to troll and throw accusations. Lucky for us the YT trolls will not survive in the real world, outside of their Keyboard mecca. For me i hope that society begins to learn that hate takes you no where and only brings you into a much deeper state of self worthlessness. As for your video, i did not see anything wrong about it. The racist accusations, were made by said people i described above. I love what you and Adam do, and i hope you continue to do this for as long as possible. Thanks.

  23. Hutch, all I can really say is you are the man. It has been amazing to witness how far you've come over the past year and a half or so that I've been following you through YouTube and Twitter (and now this blog). That's not to say you're the most mature person on the planet, but you are more than aware of that. However the level of maturity you have achieved in such a short period of time is truly inspiring (which isn't to say that you were immature 1.5 years ago).

    I don't know if you have been told this or if you've realized it, but you are a ROLE MODEL, and you are definitely one of the better ones on the internet. Thank you for that because we all know we need more people like that. You have literally thousands of individuals who watch your videos everyday on Machinima and your channel, the vast majority of which are adolescents and young adults (including myself), and on some level in those few minutes you have an effect on them. And I firmly believe that you are a good influence on them as long as they are open and legitimately take half a second to think things through before they make a comment. While you may be one of the faces of Machinima, you are more importantly a normal guy that everyone can relate to. Despite your great job, you do not have it easy. You still have your struggles, that is a fundamental part of life. And you can't mention where you are today without at least acknowledging where you came from. I know how tough things were for you even 2 years ago. And all your efforts towards simply doing what you love got you to where you are today; and that is at the crux of why you are such an inspiring role model. If even 0.01% of the people you influence could take away that message that striving to do things that you love is one of the best ways to achieve success, that would be an incredibly remarkable accomplishment. Unfortunately you do all you can, so continue to do that.

    WOW did I get sidetracked. I had that building up for a while now.

    I'm sorry that those individuals who don't take 1/2 a second to think things through logically took your video in the direction it went. It was clear to me and everyone that chooses to actually engage their brain that you were only posting a video to share an experience that was funny (Seriously, two guys talking about throwing down and roughing each other up...while sitting alone in a room...playing CoD...probably miles apart. That was hilarious). I never would have thought that you posting it would have led to people calling you a racist. Clearly you did not participate in the conversation and never said anything to suggest you were even the slightest bit racist. You have handled the situation incredibly maturely (which sparked my little explosion).

    So I guess what I'm saying is you're doing a great job (I'm sure me telling you that doesn't have much of an impact on you, but I had to). So thank you for being you and allowing us to be a part of it.

    BTW, starting the blog was a great idea. There is no such thing as a completely flat person; we all have many faces in a sense. YouTube shows us your outgoing funny side, Twitter shows us your laid back side (and is a great way for you to communicate with your audience). And now this blog shows us your more refined thoughts and opinions. It is another way that you are putting yourself out there for us to gain a better understanding of the many aspects that make you up, another way to inspire us, and another way to be a great role model. So I just want to thank you again for everything you do.

  24. Hutch I do hope you see this because this is something that needs to be heard around the world. Africa is a continent not a single country. The implications of discussing Africa rather than single nations is quite troubling I think! But otherwise great blog and I completely agree with you, stupidity is rife everywhere and what ever your creed or colour.

  25. The best way to go about stopping racism and or sexism is to not speak of it, which brings me up to my next point: did you hear about quick-scoping coming to black ops?

  26. I can honestly say that I am a victim of Racism, people make fun of me and avoid me because I am a Ginger! This is now racism to callme that because of southpark, someone made kick a Ginger day, that was in turn made a hate crime and I now also considered racist. I have been know to use profanities such as Faggot, and racial slurs but only by people who are my friends or who are just so stupid that they deserve to be verbally attack by someone using such words. In the case of my friends, I have a few gay friends I have black friends I have arab friends, hell I have an Iraqi friend. When it co es down to it I'm sure most people have used a racial slur or derogatory term in their life as an insult to someone who may or may not be of that race/orientation/gender etc. Trust me when I say that the Internet is full of bad people who say things. I have heard of people driven to suicide by people saying things to them on the Internet. Don't let anyone whosays anything to you over the Internet big or annoy you, that is just what they want. Twisted FNTC signing out!

  27. The second to last paragraph was cliché, but it got the message across. I just wanted to say that the problem is the anonymity of the internet, it's this that make people obnoxious as they know there will be no backlash effects upon them. The thing is that you can't take the anonymity away because it is so built in to our relationship with the interenet resulting in a dilema.
    Ultimately it may be frustrating if someone says something that pulls on a chord but you just have to ignore it.
    Or vent your anger through a blog! :D

  28. No, Hutch. No. You are a racist nigroder and deserve to die along with all the Arabinacans that worship Holla.

  29. Well done hutch, that was a very mature response to some very childish insults, i think it's ridiculous the amount of ridiculous comments you get from people jumping at anything that may or may not be "politically correct" if you look at many of the other commentators, they repeatedly put out racist, sexist, or homophobic content, personally it doesn't bother me as it is quite obvious they don't mean it but you didnt even do this and it became apparent that many of your subscribers or viewers fall into the category of your video's title.

  30. Geez bro, I dunno why you bother. You've made your response now let it be, because it's the god-damn internet. I've been following you since Vanilla MW2 and have yet to ever see you be racist in any way. We are people and people sometimes say things that come out wrong. If they can watch all your videos and still call you racist because of one misunderstood thing, they deserve their ignorance and you should leave them to it.

  31. no one's calling "YOU" a racist dude.its just that when you posted the video,you opened the floodgates for racist people to come in and spew their hatred for black people. did you read the comments? majority of them were nothing but ignorance and negativity. and i quote "this is why we had niggers as slaves instead of any other race. They are so fucking stupid that it was easy to enslave them. Fuck I wish I was in this lobby so I could talk shit." -Hiddenpwnage117.

  32. Don't care much for this subject tough I want to say that walking away was the right by FAR decision. And that I still don't get how the hell a video of two guys arguing like idiots with Hutch not even saying anything (I lasted a minute of this stupidity before leaving) but somehow HE gets called a racist, this just baffles me cause of the raw stupidity people in the comments were throwing out there, not to mention that video with the guys saying crap about Hutch, whoever those nobodies were.

  33. Hutch, these guys are taking every opportunity to beat you down cos they joined youtube wanting to be, well, you. So they are jealous, and instead of them using their jealousy as an influence, they, instead of making themselves successful, thye want to bring you down. Dicks.

  34. I totally agree with you on this one Hutch. The level of stupidity that people have sometimes amazes me. If nobody commented anything racist-like on that video it would be all dandy and rainbows would be appearing constantly on the sky. Oh well... shows you how ignorant people are and the amount of attention they're looking for these days.

    Have a nice one, Hutch. Keep doing with you do because I'm enjoying it, and a whole lots of people are enjoying it too.

  35. Love this idea Hutch, i'll keep my feedback as brief as i can. I think in future you should try to not even respond to people who do this, they clearly want people to react to their video and they know once you comment, everyone will. You gave into what he wanted by doing so, but at the same time i can understand how frustrating it must be to have thes accusations levelled at you.
    Also i love the "3d intros are gay, son" point. But at the same time, he still probably won't get the point you are making. Hypocrisy at it's finest on youtube, as per usual.

  36. Your not racist those 2 guys were dumb, doesn't matter if they are white blue or black. They are dumb idiots and you are not a racist.

  37. So I'm not sure if you're still reading the comments on this, but I'd like to draw attention to your use of ableist words. Using words like 'retard' and 'idiot' really aren't helping your cause.

  38. I am glad you finally realized that haters use you to get famous. It's like when some randy spams a famous player and they make a video calling them out, happened Toy Soldier. He should have walked away, instead he made that video and they got like 100 subs in a day. Not much for your standards, bus still, they would not have gotten any had it not been for Toy stupidly making a video. But the pulling the race card is not funny, I don't see what said person thought he would accomplish by being a troll. Your last paragraph here summed up what the video was to me. No more, no less.

  39. Beautiful post. Nuff said, I'm not even going to try to type up any response to that, besides the one i just typed anyways.

    Just saying: I am not any one of these people to insult you in any way, but I see you in a new light. Idk, I guess I always took you as a funny guy. I guess I was 'racist' towards you in my own way...?
    Well, whatever. Thanks Hutch, you have converted me :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Run in to these types of people all the time. By "these types" I mean, well I mean exactly what Hutch is saying. These guys are just saying things that are offensive to alot of people, such as "gay" is offensive to people that are attracted to the same sex. Another example is "pussy" which is then offensive to women when in all reality some women can kick a mans ass with no problems. Hutch you are complately right.

  42. @Emily, I'm well aware of that. I've learned to work some words out of my vocab, but others have lingered. On the other hand, I do think there is a difference between using a word maliciously and using it in a rather harmless fashion.

    I'm open to changing my perspective on that because in all honestly, it's probably the wrong way to think about it, but for now that's how it is for me.

  43. I think its time for people to clean up the internet. Even if we're not all adults, we don't need people with no life trolling and saying appalling things that they think is "funny"

  44. @august Right on man!!! (Hippie style)

  45. Honestly that vid was hilarious! People nee to calm down and enjoy stupidity at least once in a while. Taking everything seriously is bad for your health =]

  46. hello.. after reading about hutch being called racist, the paper trail lead me to this vlog.. even after reading the intire open letter i was still in the dark about where the story had started. only after reading a few comments did it finally click..i watched the video you posted of the two trolls having an argument whilst being on the same team and at NO point did it ever accure to me that hutch was being racist.
    however.. hutch has on more than one occasion gone very close to the knuckle on his choice of jokes that he puts in his video's. i think sark has had a huge influence on hutch as of late.(not a bad thing you understand) you have to remember the mojority of the people watching his video's are very young kids who have yet to fully understand adult humour..

    keep up the good work hutch you are at the top of your game right now..

  47. I don't think you really listened to my video. Instead you simply chose an aspect of my commentaries that you could point blame back at me with. Which I thought was a petty low blow. I have never had any complaints about the intro "3d intros are gay son". Gay could mean Happy for all you know, I also said Bitch your amazing. What if I was talking about an amazing female alaskan husky with soft white gorgeous hair. Either way I wasn't trying to offend you, gain subs from controversy, gain your attention or anything other than giving you some friend to friend advice. I have friends, who are black commentator's, they reached out to me recently about your video. I simply took what they all had to say, constructed it down into terms I thought might translate well back to you because I know that there are alot of people scrutinizing your every move. I am not angry at you, never was.


  48. People, like you said Hutch, are just stupid. You don't need to reply to the ignorant fools who inhabit the earth, I mean, their mother's basement.

  49. @Hutch: Yeah, intent does do something, but it still doesn't mean that casual use of words like 'retarded' isn't hurtful. Thank you, though, for talking about the misogyny and homophobia behind words like pussy and faggot.

  50. I.........have no idea what you said, the words were big but i got the jist of what you were getting across and i agree highly.

  51. I have to say Hutch, you are very intelligent and well-spoken. Unfortunately what you said is true, that people target you for little-to-no reason. Racism is tossed around without knowing the real meaning. People will be childish and know that labeling will get reactions out of people, and it can damage a person's reputation over something with no basis. The video was showing ignorance and stupidity. If it were white people doing all of the talking, you probably would have uploaded that as well and we all would have gotten the same (if not bigger) laugh out of it.

    People will always be idiots no matter how much we try to rid the world of it. It wasn't you saying the things they're accusing you of, it was two-to-three idiots on Xbox Live doing what Xbox Live does best, and I can't see the reason why you should even need to explain yourself. "Leaving the comments open encourages racism?" Whoever said that is batsh*t stupid, People are people unfortunately, and they'll abuse the anonymity of the internet as a portal to say everything they think is cool. The by-product of that is you get a lot of racists, sexists, and other "ists" that come out of the woodworks.

    Just keep doing what you do Hutch, I think a large bulk of your subscribers and fans enjoy everything you have to say, I know I follow your channel religiously. You've got your dream job, don't let anonymous idiots of the internet take that away from you.

  52. I thought that what you said was very insightful. The sad part is that the average IQ of Americans (which I assume the majority of your viewers, including myself, are) is 100. That means that about half of America has an IQ below 100. My dog has an IQ between 40 and 50. That means that two of my dogs are the average American. You may be wondering how this applies to anything you posted in your blog and said in your video. Imagine what percent of the people who have an IQ below 100 wander onto YouTube to watch videos.

    I'm not attempting to maliciously attack your fans and call them stupid, but the idea of trying to make those few idiots see the light is like trying to get those same individuals to understand that what they say and do over the internet reflects directly who they are in real life.

    You're the one putting your ass on the line and making commentary videos addressing these issues. I suggest that you don't feed the trolls. They have little to gain and you've got a lot to lose. They think that they are anonymous, but I can guarantee that if you addressed them in real life, they would not make the same blatantly daft accusations.

    I dunno Hutch, you've inspired thousands to make videos and post 'em on the internet. Maybe you can make them understand these views and apply them to real life.

  53. Hutch I know that it is a next impossibility that you will read my comment because no doubt you will have thousands, however I would like to commend you for the way that you deal with this topic and those accusations and I would also like commend you for the style of writing that you used as it showed complete maturity dealing with a subject as gravitational in its effect on society as racism is, thank you Hutch and keep doing what you do.

  54. I don't like the idea of limiting vocabulary because it offends other people in the sense that, offense is so subjective and varied that somebody will always be offended. However, if you feel like you need to for your own personal reasons or to appeal to wide audience that you've got at this point then that's up to you. I won't hold any of it against you.

    It seems obvious to me after watching just a few vids that you are a stand up guy that somehow can make funny, interesting even thought provoking CoD videos and all those claims were simply inevitable internet trolling.

    Came here to voice some support. As you've said opening yourself up to that level of scrutiny will always lead to situations like this. Don't let it get you down, bro.

  55. that was a sexy speech. i agree on everything you said. Words get thrown around thinking that is just a word. But it is demeaning and immature to say the least. People need to grow up, and if you are going to insult someone, think about it and put some intelligence into it...

  56. @Fast Eddeh No, ignorance is NOT the solution to our problems, it never was, and never will be. It's important for us to know what happened in the past to, potentially, better understand our future. In reality, there is more gene variation in one family of chimpanzees than there is in a group of all human ethnic groups in the world.
    Racism is a filthy sore on the face of society, and hiding the fact that thousands of towns and cities in the U.S. used to be "sundown towns" doesn't erase that. If blacks or any other minorities where found in said communities after dark, well I assume you know what a lynching is, right?
    Thanks for the post, Hutch. I've always loved your more thought provoking posts(religion ones) and I hope you continue to turn them out. Gameplay isn't THAT interesting. Be honest, how different is black ops footage from mw2?

  57. know it's a bit late, but I just watched the video about racism, and it opened my eyes to a lot of things.

    Also, a video that talks a little about racism etc. is Charlie Chaplin- The Great Dictator final speech (type that in on youtube) it is amazing!

  58. Hutch, when I watch your video's, read through the comments and listen to all the subjects you come up with and talk to us about so open-hearted I can't do anything else than have respect for your ideas and the way you put yourself out there.

    I started watching your video's when I started playing MW2, and watched all the old and new stuff on your channel in the past 1,5 year. I really like the way you think about everything that's going on and how you try to cross the shark-pond which is YouTube unharmed, and fail miserably doing so now and again.

    Anyway, keep up the good work, because the 2 people that watch your video and start some stupid discussion afterwards are completely nothing compared to all the people that do love your work (including me). Rock on dude!

  59. I feel that people calling out others for using phrases like 'retard' is sort of wrong. If we're going to censor that out, why not leave out 'stupid' because people who aren't clever get offended, and not use any term to describe anything in case one person is offended by the use of a word in a non-malicious way.

  60. Hutch, heres a question not pertaining to the subject at all; I was wondering how many of the big name YouTube commentators have actually bought the Sony Vegas & Adobe editing softwares that they use to make there videos? You do not have say whether YOU did or not based on U.S. Laws-(Grand Larceny, & Piracy)and I assume your employer supplies you with the programs also, do they have legally obtained programs from Sony Entertainment & Adobe?

  61. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. It's a good thing that your standing up and saying something about this rather then letting it just pass.

    Keep it up Hutch.

  62. @Patrick You seem to misunderstand the meaning of the word average, I have no meaningful contribution to this debate, but the irony of that mistake made me need to post

  63. @Jamie. Sorry, wrote it late, poor word choice, oh well.

  64. hey your totally right hutch. theres a lot of racism but you know, cant change everybody.

  65. You're fine as you are Hutch (and hot, if I may say so! :)), and if people think you are racist, then they clearly haven't bothered to check the rest of your videos and get the gist of your personality...their bad. Keep up the great videos!x

  66. Amazing. Theres no way to get around the simple layout that you put down. Good job man. Great videos, and now a great blog.

  67. Hey, Fan of you since 2009. Not a fanboy. I look to you as a mentor. I doubt youll ever see this but check this out
    Im an average gamer. It would be awesome if you read this.

  68. I mean to put it simply Hutch: well said. I remember seeing a vid where you say you don't yet know how to deal with haters (ya it was a while ago) but still, you seem to have a good grasp on it. Maturity and reasonable thought are always better solutions as opposed to trolling in return. Just to reiterate: Well said, Hutch, well said.

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